Moove Your Energies

Use these 4 Feng Shui tips to change the energy of your kids’ bedrooms

Your kids’ bedrooms play an important role in your house’s and home’s energy, and the more they get involved with it, the happier and easier this project becomes. You can use Feng Shui for your kids’ bedroom, not only to enhance their energy but also that sector of your home.

There are 4 Feng Shui tips you can consider when you want to change and enhance the energy in your kids’ bedrooms:

∞ Determine the sector to which your kid’s room belongs to

By understanding which sector of your house and which energy your children’s bedrooms belong to, you can apply in a more conscious way Feng Shui principles in order to activate and enhance the energy in each of these bedrooms.

For instance, your son might be sleeping in the South sector of your house.  If so, you will know that colors that belong to the fire element are great for decorating his room.  But If he sleeps in the Southeast sector of your house you may incorporate blues and greens in his bedroom decor.

In order to determine which sector your children’s bedrooms belong to, you must find out what is the Bagua map of your house.

∞ Clutter-free bedrooms 

Sometimes it is hard to keep our kid’s rooms under control and free of clutter.

  • Make organizing a game and not another task. This can become a fun activity especially when your kids are younger.  Learning good habits from a young age will make it easier to carry on with good organizing habits as they grow.
  • Nowadays, toys can be pretty inexpensive and easily accessible.  Therefore, we tend to buy a lot of toys throughout the year making our kids’ rooms overwhelming spaces filled with clutter.
  • If they are not using these toys and books anymore, get rid of them by passing them down to other kids or by donating these items to kids in need.

Christmas is approaching soon and another good idea could be to do Secret Santa toys and books exchange with close friends.

We do this recycling activity every year at my kids’ school exchanging used books with other friends which they already finished reading. This is also a wonderful way to take care of our planet!

You can use Feng Shui for your kids' bedrooms and enhance their energy

∞ Add their personality into your kids’ bedrooms decoration

A very important Feng Shui rule is that you take into consideration their personality. Let them lead the way into what they want to create and incorporate in their bedrooms’ decor. Maybe this doesn’t count when they are babies, which is why your own taste will play a significant role in your kids’ bedrooms Feng Shui.

Find out which characters and colors they like. I also suggest to highly avoid decorations that involve wars, skulls, or any other themes that might create negative chi in your child’s room.

∞ The position of your kids’ beds

If you wish to take your Feng Shui into a step further, you can do so by finding out your children’s lucky and unlucky directions as well as their Kua number. Place their beds in a correct position for them, so when they sleep their heads point towards one of their four lucky directions.

With this, you may also choose wiser which room is better for each child and which sector resonates better with their energy.

Using Feng Shui principles for decorating your kids’ bedrooms will embrace your children’s personality. It will also enhance their energy as well as the energy of their rooms, helping them live and grow happier in your home.

Decorating your children’s bedrooms can be a very fun task. This activity has to be redone a few years later as they grow and evolve into their own personalities making it a nice challenge for the family.

How are your children’s bedrooms decorated?

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