I love walking into any home or place that feels vibrant, but I must admit that some days the energy is not as good as I would like it to be and it feels like life gets stuck somehow; for instance, not getting new projects at work, there are arguments among family members and even people start falling sick to mention the least.
As a Feng Shui Master Consultant, I apply some tips in order to change the energy in my house as well as in my client’s homes. I love to help revive the Chi or energy and activate opportunities, health, and love among other things that later bring wonderful results in their houses as well as in people.
Here is the list of 8 simple things that I recommend that you can do to help boost and change the energy in your home:
∞Clean and declutter your house and spaces
At least once a week give your house a good cleaning. Remove dust, swipe floors and clean cabinets. Also get rid of things that you or your family are no longer using. Don’t forget to clean and organize closets, toilets and the kitchen.
∞Bring green life into your home
Plants are a fabulous option to include in your home decoration. It is also a nice way to incorporate something from nature that enhances the growing energy of your home. You must water them and keep them in good looking condition. If a plant dies, replace it with a new one.
∞Music and Sound
Play some music at home by turning on the radio or just by keeping your television on. This resonates great with life sounds which helps create wonderful vibrations of energy in your space. You may also ring bells or use the singing bowl to help get rid of stubborn negative energy.

∞Burn some Incense
Offer incense with good intentions and always with the purpose of cleaning your home spiritually and energetically. Incense keeps your home safe from bad energies and spirits.
∞Display happy photos
Another way to renew the energy in your home is by updating and placing family pictures that represent or remind you of happy moments.
∞Throw dinner parties and celebrations
Organize events on a regular basis at your home in which you invite friends over. This is a great way to bring new and fresh energy into your home and add up good vibes.

∞Adopt a pet
Pets are a great way to keep the energy in your home from getting stagnant as pets bring vibrant yang energy in a house.
∞ Move the Chi in your home
Move your furniture and change your decorations every now and then. This is a fundamental aspect of Spiritual Feng Shui which helps keep your objects and furniture energized.
With these tips, you will easily change the energy in your home, and enhance your finances, health, love, helping you feel happier in general. Which things do you do that helps you energize your spaces?