When I apply Feng Shui in my home, I love to activate its energy in every possible way, not only by cleaning & organizing it but also through the sense of smell.
Flower scents, leaf, and wood aromas have a hidden power that helps purify, cleanse, and boots the energy in your home. These aromas can be diffused through water and essential oils are a great way to do so. It is important to read the labels on the bottles to make sure they are natural and not mixed with chemicals or synthetics.
The use of essential oils has been very popular in the past few years. Its pleasant aromas add great value to the feel-good ambiance bringing positive energy to living and working environments.
I started using these 5 essential oils to activate the energy in my home about 4 years ago and noticed that when my house smells and feels good the whole family does. I even love to use them when having guests over for dinner parties or when guests visit for a few days.
Just recently, I got my husband an essential oil kit for his office to help him feel nicer at work!

These are 5 essential oils that I love to use in my home:
Lavender is considered a peaceful, calming scent. It helps with stress and calms uncontrolled emotions balancing the mind. If you have trouble sleeping or relaxing at night, try adding a few drops of lavender essential oil to your pillow to help you achieve a better night of sleep.
This is a great aroma to enhance or attract love. It also helps with depression and feelings of insecurity. Jasmine is commonly used in temples and sacred prayers since it helps the person to connect to his/her higher spiritual self. Jasmine also has a calming and happy effect on people. Great scent to use when having gatherings or parties at home!
Its aroma promotes spirituality and is a wonderful choice to use when you need to be concentrated and focus on a task.
It is also great to use it when doing meditation or if you wish to connect better to the subconscious level of your awareness.
Pine is a great scent to purify and protect your home and its energy. Its fragrance also helps appease the spirits in the environment. It also removes energetical obstacles, which helps make our lives better and more pleasant.
Its citrusy aroma promotes harmony, creativity and a sense of peace. Orange essential oil is a great choice to use when getting ready in the mornings, to help you feel with good energy. It also helps clear the mind and reduces depression, increasing feelings of joy and happiness.

Like Feng Shui, aromatherapy is also an ancient practice that has been proven to awaken the sense of smell, bringing the great potential to the positive energies in homes and working spaces.
When you use your sense of smell, you activate a dimension of yourself that we usually take for granted bringing you to another level of wisdom.
Understanding and knowing to use the right scents for your home will add great value and positivity to your life.
Which essential oil aroma is your favorite and why do you like to use it?