Photographer: Sebastián Anaya
Feng shui practitioners, like myself, believe that by balancing elements and colors of each area of the house may enhance the family’s well-being and help attract positive energy into the household.
There are many ways we can activate energy in our house without having to place “weird” decorations, and family photographs are a great option to do so, as well as an easy way to incorporate yang energy into our home or office enhancing the Feng Shui in our spaces.
In this article, I would like to share some of my knowledge as a Feng Shui Master Consultant when it comes to placing family photos for activating different kinds of energies in your home.

∞Do’s for family photos placements in Feng Shui
When choosing photographs for your home, these must bring you joy and tell your story in order to achieve a beautiful and personalized home.
The frames must be in good condition for better energy enhancement, as well as the furniture and walls where you place your photos.
Family photos must be placed where they reach natural daylight, this is a great way to inject them with some yang energy!
∞Best places for family photos
In Feng Shui, when you place family pictures in your home make sure that all members are included and that everyone is happy and smiling, this includes deceased family members.
My recommendation is to place them in the center of your home, as well as in the living room and in the dining room.
The staircase is also a good option to hang family photos since you get to see them when you go to the rooms upstairs.

∞Best places for wedding and couple’s photos
The best place in your home for wedding and couple’s photos is the southwest corner of your home since this is the area that best represents the energy of love and marriage.
You may also place these pictures in the areas that I previously mentioned for family photos.
∞Best places for pictures of your children
The west corner or sector of your home is the ideal place to hang pictures of your children, however, you may place photos of children or babies inside your bedroom if you want to increase your chances for childbearing luck.

∞Don’ts for family photos placements
In Feng Shui, I recommend do not place family photos or photographs of deceased family members inside your bedroom as this may cause restless sleep.
Some Feng Shui experts, like myself, don’t recommend wedding photos inside the bedroom, especially if they are facing the bed. The energy that these photos carry into the bedroom cause stress and pressure in the couple.
Don’t place family photos underneath staircases or beams, or across any ‘poison arrows’ such as a sharp corner or column since this might cause rupture for the family.
Don’t place family photos in front of your main door, because this is the mouth of your house and you don’t want all this energy to hit your family when it enters your home.
Take into consideration the context in which your pictures were taken, for instance, was it during a happy moment? if the answer is no just simply don’t display that picture in your home.
If the photos have faded or have mold, replace them immediately as this will create negative energy in the area as well as in the house.
By following these easy recommendations you can experience the benefits of enhancing your home’s energy.
Remember that each room has a distinct feeling and purpose when it comes to energy and it is very important to keep the balance when it comes to photographs and Feng Shui.