Crystals have been used for centuries for many different reasons, from healing to protection to home decoration. In Feng Shui, we use crystals as decoration items or as jewellery to enhance earth energy and to promote good Feng Shui in our spaces and increase and protect our own energy as well.
When you first buy crystals or get them as a gift, it is important to cleanse them in order to reset their energy vibration, making them more receptive to the new energy in your home, as well as more sensitive and open to your own energy.
For protection purposes, I recommend using Obsidian, Hematite, and Black Tourmaline. These crystals have the special power to absorb the negativity in your space, or the one coming from other people, transforming it into good energy and creating protective forces in your surroundings. Hematite may be also used for energy grounding.
Another crystal that you may use for protection as well as an energy enhancer is Selenite. This crystal does not need to be cleansed or recharged, and it actually helps other crystals to get charged. Selenite is great for elevating the energy in the surroundings as well as your own energy.

Crystals may also be used to promote and attract good energy. For instance, Rose Quartz helps to boost kindness and relationships, as well as to help bring love into a person’s life. You can place Rose Quartz crystals in the Southwest sector of your home to promote, enhance and attract love energy into your existing relationship or to find that special “other half.”
Citrine is commonly used to attract success and abundance, and it also promotes self-esteem. Amethyst enhances your well being and inner peace, and it may also help couples to grow strong and stay together as it helps to calm emotions while improving harmony. Clear quartz is considered a master healer which increases intellect, focus and clarity.
Crystals are also great energy activators for women and for the Education Luck sector, and most of them are inexpensive and easy to purchase. Give yourself and your home a gift and start enjoying the benefits of these wonderful decoration pieces provided by mother earth.