Moove Your Energies

Styling your energy

By ∞ Beatriz Rodríguez ∞

For the majority of men and women, the clothes we wear play an important role in how we interact in a business or a social environment, influencing our abilities to interrelate with others in these settings and in achieving our daily goals.

Poor styling, uncomfortable clothes, and “ugly” colors will not help us project our personality in the way that we want, making it harder to accomplish our daily goals, especially in a business environment or in a social gathering.

Have you ever noticed that wearing certain colors and styles make you feel more confident and in tune with yourself? Maybe the answer to this is because we might be dressing according to the element that represents us and resonates with our personal energy and Feng Shui.

When mixing Feng Shui and fashion, it is recommended that you find out the element that defines your energy, whether it is metal, water, wood, earth, or fire. This will help you make better choices when selecting colors and patterns, making you more comfortable and harmonious with your personal element, and therefore, more confident as well, projecting yourself better to others and getting a better response from people.

In order to understand which element does a person’s energy belongs to, it is best to first find out the Kua number that represents their energy in order to make better decisions when it comes to color choices.  

If your Kua Number is 1, it means that your personal energy belongs to the Water Element and it is best if you incorporate colors such as different kinds of blues and also the color black.  You may also incorporate metallic colors, such as greys and whites in order to strengthen your water element.  Water element people enjoy flowing clothing. 

When your Kua number is either 2, 5, or 8 this means your personal energy belongs to the Earth Element, making your fashion choices more cohesive just like mother earth connects all living elements. The best colors for Earth people to choose are yellows, beige and different shades of light browns.  Besides, you may also use fire element colors such as red and orange.  

The suggested colors for Wood Element people are brown, tan, green, and lime.  Water Element helps support the Wood element, therefore, different shades of blues would be a great addition to a person’s closet. The Kua numbers that belong to the Wood Element are 3 and 4 and these people enjoy sporty clothes more than any other.

Metal Element people are the ones that like more high-end fashion choices when it comes to clothing and they belong to Kua numbers 6 and 7.  Suggested colors for their wardrobes are white, silver, gold, and greys as well as some earth colors such as beige and yellow.

Lastly, Fire Element people belong to Kua number 9.  They enjoy more “dramatic” clothes that will show their inner fire.  The colors suggested for fire element people to wear are red, orange, pink, as well as green since the wood element makes the fire stronger.           

When we feel good about physical appearance, our energy resonates better with ourselves, helping us accomplish our everyday goals in a more successful way!


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