Moove Your Energies

The Art and Science of Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra

By ∞ Beatriz Rodríguez ∞

When we read or hear the words Feng Shui or Vastu Shastra, we immediately relate them with either the Chinese or the Indian cultures. These two ancient bodies of knowledge have been put into practice worldwide for thousands of years as very powerful tools.  The great news is that people still practice them and that both can be adapted to many other modern cultures, allowing all of us to enjoy the benefits that these old architectural practices carry in their sacred information.

Having traveled to different continents made me realize that the majority of cultures practice these antique disciplines without even knowing it. Variations exist among the practices depending on the places that you visit.  Nonetheless, the presence of Feng Shui or Vastu Shastra in some of our daily religious practices and beliefs is noticeable and even obvious. We can find it in the structure of temples, churches and shrines and it is fascinating to notice how many similarities we may find among the different countries, societies and spiritual practices. 

Centuries ago, the teachings contained in these two principles were the ones once used for architectural purposes and to build and develop entire civilizations. Both Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra focus on the well being of humans and their connection with the universe through the flow of the Chi in Chinese Feng Shui and Prana in Hindu Vastu Shastra.  

Feng Shui translated means “wind and water” and it follows the five elements of Water, Earth, Wood, Metal and Fire. On the other hand, Vastu means “dwelling”, and Shastra can be translated as “teaching” or “doctrine;” it also follows a five element principle and these are: Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Space.  In both practices everything in the universe is built upon these five elements and they help balance the energies around us.

Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra focus on different areas of houses, temples and living spaces.  Both practices involve mathematical calculations and the eight directions of the compass. In both teachings the center of the house is very important in order for the whole family to enjoy good luck.  However, some of the meanings of the compass directions differ depending on which practice you may choose to apply. For instance, in Feng Shui, the East corner of your home represents the health of the family, but in Vastu Shastra, the East side of your dwelling represents the personal, social and professional growth energy.  

Most of the colors assigned to the compass sector of the living space or business place in Feng Shui are different from the ones assigned in Vastu Shastra.  In Feng Shui, if you refer to the North area of your house you would like to enhance it with the colors black and blue, in contrast, in Vastu Shastra, the recommended color for the North sector of the house or office would be best if light green is implemented as part of the decoration of this area.

These practices help people to get in tune with the energy flow of their houses, offices and other dwellings where these principles may apply.  Through the analysis done by a master, Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra provide help in balancing the elements and the energies, both positives and negatives, with the universe creating a perfect harmony for those who consciously practice these theories; they also go in complete congruence with the religious beliefs, as a superior energy is always taken into account when doing Feng Shui or Vastu Shastra. 

When choosing a practice, if you do Feng Shui, you may find that some of the Vastu Shastra principles are a great addition to the remedies, cures and enhancers that were already applied.  Both can be combined, if well guided, and can be adopted as practices into everyday life. People find it very positive and even life changing. 

Thanks for reading and good luck!



  1. Bea, me encanta este tema, me parece súper importante manejar todas estas técnicas que nos ayudan en nuestro sano convivir. Espero pronto poder practicarlo con tu orientación en nuestro hogar…

  2. Gracias por tu comentario María Gabriela! Estoy a tu orden cuando quieras!

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