I must confess that I was skeptical when I started practicing Feng Shui over 4 years ago. I really did not know much about the topic but sounded very fascinating and wanted to give it a try. Soon after I started studying this ancient science, fell in love with it, and start to break down some of the common myths about Feng Shui.
When I tell people that I am a Feng Shui Master Consultant I get different reactions which most of them come from the same place I was 4 years ago: confusion and myths about what Feng Shui really is.
Because of the lack of knowledge on the topic, I wanted to outline the 6 most common myths about Feng Shui that people often ask me about:
∞ “Feng Shui is related to witchery”
This is false! This is a science that has been put into practice for over 4 thousand years and uses the laws of nature by balancing the 5 elements in living spaces which are water, wood, metal, earth, and fire.
Feng Shui has nothing to do with mystical practices or any other futuristic readings but rather focuses on the present in order to improve the energy in your home, as well as your overall life.
∞ “I am Catholic (Christian or any other religion), therefore, I can’t do Feng Shui”
This is also false! This is based on the Chinese philosophy of Daoism (Taoism), but this is mainly because it was a science developed in China.
Feng Shui has no religious basis and can be adapted into any religion and culture in the world as it has been done already! I am Catholic and I love incorporating my beliefs and spiritual energy into my Feng Shui.
∞ “Only rich people can do Feng Shui”
This is false as well. Anyone can do Feng Shui and enjoy its benefits. You can use the decorations that you already have and place them where they can bring you the best benefits, such as ceramic vases, photographs, crystals or quartz, etc. You don’t need expensive decor or have to break the bank in order to practice Feng Shui in your home.
∞ “You can only use Asian decorations to properly do Feng Shui”
This is false. You can Feng Shui your home, office, or business with your own taste. Use decorations that you love and that are meaningful to you and to your family. These will be more influential in your Feng Shui since they are a reflection of who you are, as well as a reflection of your history as a family.
∞ “Everything that you have been doing in your home is bad according to Feng Shui”
Once again, this is false! There is no judge or blame when it comes to Feng Shui. As we evolve as humans, our spaces have to evolve with us as well. There is always a solution that can be put into practice even if there are some “mistakes” in your space. Don’t be afraid of change!
∞ “You must believe it, in order for it to work”
This is a myth about Feng Shui. It doesn’t matter if you believe in it or not, Feng Shui works its wonders anyways, but be careful because you might like it so much that you may turn into a believer.
Feng Shui is about how our environments have an influence on ourselves and how they impact our energy on a daily basis.
This is why it is so important to keep your spaces organized and clean in order to improve and increase the energy in your home as well as your own energy.
Just ask yourself: how can my life work if my home is a total mess? Our life is a direct reflection of how we keep our home!
I hope with this article I was able to answer some of your questions, break some myths about Feng Shui, and you might even consider starting applying some simple tips in your home.
Trust me: it could totally change your life for the better! So, do you have any other questions, doubts, or misconceptions regarding Feng Shui?